because its a good track
solvent - black turtleneck
new years
Thus spake the master programmer: "When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave."1.1Something mysterious is formed, born in the silent void. Waiting alone and unmoving, it is at once still and yet in constant motion. It is the source of all programs. I do not know its name, so I will call it the Tao of Programming. If the Tao is great, then the operating system is great. If the operating system is great, then the compiler is great. If the compiler is great, then the application is great. The user is pleased and there exists harmony in the world. The Tao of Programming flows far away and returns on the wind of morning.1.2The Tao gave birth to machine language. Machine language gave birth to the assembler. The assembler gave birth to the compiler. Now there are ten thousand languages. Each language has its purpose, however humble. Each language expresses the Yin and Yang of software. Each language has its place within the Tao. But do not program in COBOL if you can avoid it.

…read more at the tao of programming…
me, ourselves, and we
The Buddha, which literally means "the awakened one," said "My form appeared like a dream to sentient beings who are like a dream. I taught them dreamlike teaching to attain dreamlike enlightenment." When we begin to awaken to the dreamlike nature of reality, we realize we are all characters in each other's dream. Like reflections in a mirror, we are all interconnected aspects of each other's being. To recognize the dreamlike nature of our situation is to recognize that we don't exist as isolated entities separate from the universe, but rather as relational beings who only exist relative to each other. We are all related, parts of a greater family, the living multifaceted expression of a singular divine being. When we begin to awaken to the dreamlike nature of the universe we realize that the "dream ego," which is who we've been imagining we are, is only an un-reflected-upon and assumed model of who we are and is not who we really are, but is itself being dreamed by a deeper part of ourselves. There is a deeper Self which is dreaming us. Like emanations of a meditating Buddha, we are the dream of something deeper, what I call the "deeper, dreaming Self," which is who we really are. There's only one deeper, dreaming Self and it is dreaming the whole universe. We are its dream. The deeper, dreaming Self expresses itself through and is not separate from the forms of the dream; we are simultaneously the dreamed and the dreamer. In the words of the German philosopher Schopenhauer, "one great dream of a single dreamer in which all the dream characters dream, too." The deeper, dreaming Self is having a dream, and we are it! read more at reality sandwich
child is father of man
MY heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began, So is it now I am a man, So be it when I shall grow old Or let me die! The child is father of the man: And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. –W. Wordsworth
the devils advice to story-tellers
Lest men suspect your tale to be untrue, Keep probability—some say—in view. But my advice to story-tellers is: Weigh out no gross of probabilities, Nor yet make diligent transcriptions of Known instances of virtue, crime or love. To forge a picture that will pass for true, Do conscientiously what liars do— Born liars, not the lesser sort that raid The mouths of others for their stock-in-trade: Assemble, first, all casual bits and scraps That may shake down into a world perhaps; People this world, by chance created so, With random persons whom you do not know— The teashop sort, or travelers in a train Seen once, guessed idly at, not seen again; Let the erratic course they steer surprise Their own and your own and your readers' eyes; Sigh then, or frown, but leave (as in despair) Motive and end and moral in the air; Nice contradiction between fact and fact Will make the whole read human and exact. –Robert Graves, Collected Poems, 1975