and now for something completely different

Roses are red Violets are blue You think this will rhyme But it ain't gonna. –Steve Allen

the occasional vim error

this is something that had been bothering me for ages. i am one of those who keeps virtually all my info in one notes.txt file - no fancy GTD system, just a bunch of text that i noodle with on an ad hoc basis. i use vim to manage it, and it stays open 24x7 on multiple machines (via screen - something i’ll go into another time.)

but, the problem with keeping the window open is that, at least on my fedora boxes, a system cron script comes along once a week and cleans out the /tmp directory – including the temp files that vim is using to keep state in my editing session. this makes me have to save/close/reopen vim, usually when i try to launch some external command like sort.

the solution i found was to touch vim’s temp file daily, making it look like a “new” file to the system cleanup script. vim makes temp file directories in a format like this:

<pre> /tmp/v\d?????? </pre>

so, in my personal crontabs, i use this to ferret these out and touch them up-to-date:

<pre> find /tmp -follow -type d -name v?????? -exec touch {} \; 2>/dev/null </pre>

works like a charm.

a buffalo with an aqualung?

Quizmaster: Ha ha ha ... ha ha ha. Good evening, Madam! And your name is? Mrs. Scum: Yes, yes. Quizmaster: Ha ha ha! And what's your name? Mrs. Scum: I go to church regularly. Quizmaster: Jolly good, I see. And which prize do you have particular eyes on this evening? Mrs. Scum: Oh, I'd like the blow on the head. Quizmaster: The blow – on the head! Mrs. Scum: Yes, just there. Quizmaster: Jolly good! Well, your first question for the blow the head this evening is: What great opponent of cartesian dualism resists the reduction of psychological phenomena to physical states? Mrs. Scum: I don't know that! Quizmaster: Well have a guess. Mrs. Scum: Oh... er... Henri Bergson? Quizmaster: the correct answer! Mrs. Scum: Oh, lucky, I never even heard of him.

mutt/zimbra spam macros

here are snippets from my .muttrc file which allow me to bounce messages to my zimbra server spam / ham mailboxes, for the purposes of training spamassassin. this was taken from Lucas Nussbaum, but his link appears to be down at the moment. i’m including these here in case anyone elses googles “mutt zimbra spam macro”, like i did for a few weeks to no avail.

macro index S "<bounce-message>\nyd" "Learn as spam" macro pager S "<bounce-message>\nyd" "Learn as spam" macro index H "<bounce-message>\nyj" "Learn as ham" macro pager H "<bounce-message>\nyj" "Learn as ham"

these allow you to highlight a message in the index or pager, hit “S” for spam (or “H” for ham,) and the message bounces away to the appropriate zimbra mailbox for automated spamassassin learning. (additionally, the “S” for spam macro marks the message for deletion; the “H” for ham macro simply moves to the next message.) the tricky bit for me was understanding that mutt allows the “\n” newline character to simulate <return> at the end of the <bounce-message> command.

note that you must change “spambox” and “hambox” to the appropriately named mailboxes for your domain. to see what your current spam mailboxes are, issue the following command as the zimbra user:

zmprov gacf | grep SpamAccount

to change these values to something more appropriate to your domain, use zmprov again:

zmprov mcf zimbraSpamIsNotSpamAccount <your ham account> zmprov mcf zimbraSpamIsSpamAccount <your spam account>

dear abby

via chickencrap:

dear abby